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  “Wonderful, enlightening invigorating, fascinating, totally educational. The days seemed too short and gave me a totally new insight into how to work with people and also the issues that I need to focus on myself.” (S. Griffin, Acupuncturist, Ireland)

  “整个教学过程很棒,让人精力充沛,相当有吸引力,并且全面。它给了我一个与人相处的新视角,以及需关注的自身议题,太棒了,甚至让我觉得每一天都太短了。”(S. Griffin, 针灸医生,爱尔兰)

  “I came away energised and inspired. I would recommend this workshop for any one. It was handled with love as well as intellect.” (L. Pankiw, Bowen Therapist, Glen Iris)

  “它让人振奋,充满活力。我愿向所有人推荐这个工作坊。它充满了爱与智慧。”(L. Pankiw,治疗师,墨尔本格伦伊里斯区)

  “Crammed full with excellent information, and practical ideas for personnel and professional use. Thanks so much, Ian. Your personnel story and experiences are MOST inspiring.” (Anna Cairns, Natural therapist, Hobart)

  “它有很多绝好的信息,从个人使用和专业应用角度都有很好的具体建议。非常感谢您,伊恩,您的故事和个人经历是最让人激励的。”(Anna Cairns,自然疗法师,澳洲霍巴特)

  “This is the third time I’m doing level one. I don’t find it ‘repeating’ at all. To the contrary its refreshing, re-inforcing and yet even more inspiring!” (Mercedes Diverio, Naturopath, Petersham)

  “这是我第三次进行一阶的学习了,我不觉得有什么重复。相反,都是全新的,让效果得以加强,甚至更加激发我的灵感。”(Mercedes Diverio,自然疗法师,彼得莎姆)

  “A wonderful weekend. I was inspired by the simplicity of all the essences and their power. The workshop was well-integrated with lecture, walks, artwork, music to keep me fully present through out the weekend, and not tire. I enjoyed seeing the proof of their immediate efficacy thru muscle testing. I can’t think of anything. One of the best workshops I’ve ever been on - thank you.” (Glenda Thomas, Teacher of the Deaf, Telopea)

  “这是一个超棒的周末。我从花精及其能量的简单之美中得到了鼓舞,这个工作坊很好地整合了讲座、漫步、艺术创作和音乐,让我的整个周末都完全在当下,感觉不到一点疲乏。我也见证了肌肉测试的立竿见影。这种体验绝无仅有。这是我参加过的最棒的工作坊之一-谢谢你。”(Glenda Thomas, 聋哑人老师,特罗佩亚)

  “Extremely informative, topical and humorous presentation that touched all aspects of my expectations, plus exceeded to access far more information than thought possible.” (Robyn Brown, Alternative Therapist, Patonga)

  “内容极其丰富,选题及幽默的演讲深入我心,并让我获得了超乎想象的信息量。”(Robyn Brown, 替代疗法治疗师,帕通)

  “Inspiration from beginning to end” (Hilary Holdsworth, Massuese, Scotland)

  “从头至尾,充满灵感的火花”(Hilary Holdsworth, 女按摩师,苏格兰)

  “What I will really take away from this workshop is the simplicity and clarity of the essences and the ease with which they can be used.” (Felicity Rock, Homeopath, UK)

  “我从这个工作坊中真正学到了花精就是如此简单明确,并且能够被方便地加以运用。”(Felicity Rock, 顺势医疗者,英国)

  “Fantastic mind opening, inspiring, life changing workshop – highly recommended. Should be taught in our schools.” (Rita Kluge, Body Therapist, Newport, NSW)

  “这是一次极好的让人脑洞大开的,令人鼓舞的,让生命发生改变的工作坊--强烈推荐!应该在我们学校推广。”(Rita Kluge,身体疗愈师,新南威尔士-新港市)



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